Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gedo, 1974 (256kbps)

"Formed by ex-members of early '70s festival stalwarts the M and Too Much, Gedo was a power trio whose biker fans followed them from bar to bar, making each gig into a show of ritual, full of euphoric moments, in-jokes and surprising outbursts of extreme collective male melancholy. With songs full of lyrics evoking images of hell, despair, pig’s flesh and fool’s paradises, Gedo's early LPs were sparsely-produced by Mickey Curtis, who kept intact the band's furious Born-to-be-Wild rush of proto-Ramones."
- Text by Juilan Cope

Named 24th Greatest Japanese Rock Album of All Time by Rolling Stone Japan, Julian Cope thinks this is the 30th best Japrock album in the book JAPROCKSAMPLER. Instead of transliterating the track list I've provided the English track names as they are written on the album cover. This UK reissue contains two additional tracks of audience cheers simply titeled audience.

外道 - 外道

  1. 香り [Scent]
  2. 逃げるな [Don't Run away]
  3. 外道 [Gedo]
  4. audience
  5. ロックンロールバカ? [Rock 'n' Roll Stupid]
  6. ダンスダンスダンス [Dance Dance Dance]
  7. ビュンビュン [Byoon Byoon]
  8. いつもの所で [At the Usual Place]
  9. 腐った命 [Rotten Life]
  10. 完了 [Completed]
  11. audience
  12. やさしい裏切りを [Tender Betrayal]
  13. スターと [motorcycles]